Various forms of public-private partnership will be considered. When granting land for I&T uses in the area, land disposal methods other than open tendering may be considered taking into account the industry-specific policy of ITIB. Site formation for I&T land commenced in December 2024 and the target is to deliver new I&T sites in phases beginning in 2026-27.
The 2023 Policy Address has announced that the “Enhanced Conventional New Town Approach” will be extended to development sites specified by the Government in all New Development Areas (NDAs) in the Northern Metropolis, including San Tin Technopole. Under this development approach, the Government will in principle resume all private land planned for development, before allocation for various purposes including disposal of land for private development. However, for sites planned for private development, the Government allows in-situ land exchange applications from land owners subject to certain conditions. The Government will issue Practice Notes applicable to individual NDAs in due course to announce the detailed land exchange arrangements, including the sites available for in-situ land exchange, application criteria and conditions, as well as application deadlines, etc. For the general arrangement of land exchange under ECNTA, you may refer to the Press Release at and the Practice Note No. 13/2023 at
On the premise of maintaining government-led development and safeguarding the interests of affected households, the revised arrangements could expedite the implementation of the Northern Metropolis and facilitate better development layouts by leveraging market forces. Apart from allowing land owners’ in-depth participation in development in a manner that complies with the Government’s planning, enhances the speed of implementing the Northern Metropolis and facilitates better development layouts, the revised arrangements will also reduce the Government’s upfront spending on land resumption and public works while allowing the Government to receive premium revenue earlier. The early provision of housing, industries and other development as well as public facilities will also benefit the public.

Large-scale Land Disposal Approach
- The Chief Executive announced in the 2024 Policy Address to adopt, on a pilot basis, a large-scale land disposal approach to expedite development of the Northern Metropolis. Sizable land parcels with commercial value and earmarked for provision of public facilities will be selected and granted to success bidders for collective development. This approach will enhance the participation of enterprises in the important development for Hong Kong and speed up development of the land parcels, and at the same time reduce the financial outlay of the Government.
- The three pilot areas under large-scale land disposal are located in Hung Shui Kiu / Ha Tsuen New Development Area, Fanling North New Development Area and San Tin Technopole of about 12.5 hectares, 15.9 hectares and 18.6 hectares respectively. For details, please refer to the relevant fact sheet (click here) and press release (click here).
- The Government launched a three-month exercise on 31 December 2024 to invite interested parties to submit expression of interest for the three pilot areas of large-scale land disposal, in order to finalise the tender details and conditions later. For details, please refer to the relevant brochure of the invitation for EOI (click here), leaflet (click here) and press release (click here). The Government held a briefing session on the EOI invitation on 16 January 2025.
- The Government targets to commence the tendering work for the three pilot areas progressively from the second half of 2025 to 2026.