Artist’s impression for illustrative purpose only

Integration of New Developments with Rural Neighbourhoods

The concept of embracing urban-rural integration has been adopted in the planning of San Tin Technopole. The surrounding villages in San Tin will benefit from the comprehensively planned GIC facilities and improved infrastructure services including transport connectivity brought about by the project, while the cultural heritage resources of the villages will add cultural diversity to San Tin Technopole. Design harmony between the I&T Park and proposed Sam Po Shue Wetland Conservation Park will also be assured through sensible built form, ecologically-sensitive landscape treatment along the edge of the wetland, and preservation of birds’ flight corridors.
Rendered Illustration of San Tin Tsuen Road (Adjacent to Tsing Lung Tsuen)

Artist’s impression for illustrative purpose only

Rendered Illustration of Open Space near Mai Po Lung Village Egretry

Artist’s impression for illustrative purpose only

Rendered Illustration of San Tin Western Main Drainage Channel

Artist’s impression for illustrative purpose only

Civil Engineering and Development Department and Planning Department
All Rights reserved