The I&T land in San Tin Technopole will be allocated to enterprises to carry out research and development (R&D) and production activities. These enterprises may also call for co-location of research, production, staff accommodation and other facilities on the same site. Connected land parcels of different sizes, including some sizable ones, have been designed within the I&T Park to provide flexibility in allocation of land for I&T facilities of different scales (start-ups, leading tech firms), different I&T fields (life and health technology, artificial intelligence and data science, advanced manufacturing and new energy technology, etc.), and different stages of I&T value chain (upstream (R&D), midstream (prototype or application development) or downstream (manufacturing) processes).

In order to nurture a more complete I&T ecosystem, San Tin Technopole will have to cater for the land uses of different I&T fields and different stages of the I&T value chain, as well as the needs for talent accommodation and other supporting facilities. It is suggested to formulate a wider range of permitted uses which are compatible with each other for I&T land. Necessary restrictions if any (such as whether and how much talent accommodation may be allowed) may be imposed through administrative means (e.g. land grant conditions).
The Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau (ITIB) has commenced a consultancy study on the development plan for San Tin Technopole with a view to recommending specific I&T uses in the I&T value chain for development on different land parcels in San Tin Technopole.